Event co-hosted by South East Councils, the East of England Local Government Association, Greater London Authority and London Councils.
Registration and refreshments
Welcome and introductions
Jonathan Werran, Chief Executive, Localis
Setting the scene
- Cathy Francis, DLUHC
- Councillor Matthew Hicks, Chair, EELGA Infrastructure and Growth Panel and Leader, Suffolk County Council
- Councillor Nicolas Heslop, Chair, South East Councils
- Jules Pipe CBE, Deputy Mayor, Planning, Regeneration and Skills
- Councillor Darren Rodwell, Executive Member for Regeneration, Housing and Planning, London Councils
Case Studies: Climate Change
- Public-Private Collaboration on Climate Change
Nilam Banks, Knowledge Transfer Manager – Place, Innovate UK KTN - One Horton Heath Sustainable Housing Project
Chris Payne, One Horton Heath – Project Director, Eastleigh Borough Council - London Councils Climate Programme
Katharina Winbeck, Strategic Lead, Transport and Environment, London Councils
Round Table Discussions on Climate Change
Feedback from Round Table Discussions
Comfort break and opportunity to network
Case Studies: Spatial Challenges
- East region to be confirmed Joint approach by West London Boroughs to sub-regional infrastructure planning
Andrew Barry-Purssell, Strategic Planning and Infrastructure Manager, West London Alliance - Sevenoaks District Council in Kent
- James Gleave, Strategic Planning Manager, Sevenoaks District Council
Round Table Discussions on Spatial Challenges
Feedback from Round Table Discussions
Lunch and an opportunity to network
Planning and Levelling-up Bill from Central Government
- Simon Gallagher, Director of Planning, DLUHC
Round table discussions and next steps
Reflections on the event
- Cathy Francis, DLUHC
- Cllr Matthew Hicks, Chair, EELGA Infrastructure and Growth Panel and Leader, Suffolk County Council
- Cllr Nicholas Heslop, Chair, South East Councils
- Jules Pipe CBE, Deputy Mayor, Planning, Regeneration and Skills
- Cllr Darren Rodwell, Executive Member for Regeneration, Housing and Planning, London Councils
Closing remarks
Jonathan Werran, Chief Executive, Localis