Collaboration for a Cleaner and Greener future for our region
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Protecting the environment and preserving natural spaces is also about safeguarding our health as we all strive towards reaching Net Zero.
of all respondents said that ‘Protecting green spaces’ was a high priority for their local area.
(Savanta-ComRes survey for SEC of 250 businesses, 521 members of the public and 264 councillors, January 2024)
of all respondents chose ‘Increased public transport options’ as an option to address the impacts of climate change.
(Savanta-ComRes survey for SEC of 250 businesses, 521 members of the public and 264 councillors, January 2024)
Securing a greener place for people to live and work, for businesses to function and operate, will require cooperation to mainstream sustainable behaviour and environmental best practice.
To ensure our region is a cleaner and greener place, SEC believes:
Central Government’s plans for economic growth must couple with environmental priorities, and ensure that funding to local authorities aligns with the need to deliver inclusive growth.
Local authorities should be equipped with the right tools to deliver more green and blue infrastructure, including strengthening the role of Local Nature Recovery Strategies to propagate sustainable and attractive spaces.
Government plans on economic growth should align with environmental priorities, and ensure funding to local authorities is focused on delivering inclusive, sustainable growth.
Government should support an inspire, reuse, repurpose and recycle approach among regional businesses to accelerate growth of the circular economy.