Collaboration for a Smarter and Greener future for our region

“Councils are leading a green recovery: taking action on the climate and nature emergencies, whilst creating the jobs of the future.”
Cllr Emily O'Brien | South East Councils
Councillor Emily O’Brien
Green Party: Lewes District Council

A smarter place for people to connect and communicate, for businesses to locate and prosper, will require collaboration to integrate data innovation and digital technology.

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of respondents experienced digital connectivity issues at least once a month

(Savanta-ComRes survey for SEEC of 275 businesses, 345 members of the public and 345 councillors, September 2020)

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of respondents ranked a reduction in carbon emissions from transport to net-zero by 2050 as the highest priority for their area

(Savanta-ComRes survey for SEEC of 275 businesses, 345 members of the public and 345 councillors, September 2020)

Securing a greener place for people to live and work, for businesses to function and operate, will require cooperation to mainstream sustainable behaviour and environmental best practice.

To ensure our region is a smarter place SEC believes that Government should work with partners to:

  • Achieve a swift and comprehensive roll-out of the 5G network across all boroughs and districts.
  • Review regional energy infrastructure ability to service increasing smart technology usage and electric vehicle charging need.
To ensure our region is greener South East Councils believes that Government should work with partners to:
  • Accelerate the transition from diesel and petrol driven transport to electric and low emission vehicles well before end of the decade
  • Inspire, reuse, repurpose and recycle approach among regional businesses to accelerate growth of the circular economy.
“Councils are leading a green recovery: taking action on the climate and nature emergencies, whilst creating the jobs of the future.”
Cllr Emily O'Brien | South East Councils
Councillor Emily O’Brien
Green Party: Lewes District Council