SEC Writes to Shadow Local Goverment Minister on Devolution

Thursday, 11 January, 2024

South East Councils (SEC) has written to the Shadow Minister for English Devolution and Local Government.

Jim McMahon MP was appointed by Labour Leader Sir Keir Starmer before Christmas (28 November 2023).

The letter congratulates Mr McMahon on his appointment and raises the South East 1,000 Regional Monitor.

The polling with Savanta ComRes covers devolution – including findings that confidence in the decision-making of Local Councils (50%) is double that of Central Government (25%).

SEC looks forward to working with the new Shadow Minister.

The letter is accesible here.



  1.  Published twice a year, the South East 1,000 regional monitor, sees SEC partner with polling agency Savanta ComRes and economist Vicky Pryce to produce a unique monitor of public, business and civic cohorts from the UK’s most populous region.